
If you belong to an editing association, or another film institution in your country, please fill in the original name, as well as the English name.

Enter a short biography of yourself in the field below. You can use up to 1000 characters, although we will shorten it to 450 – 470 characters for the PDF that is shared amongst the participants (see a sample at the bottom of the page).
We like to include some personal details, like where you were born – provided you are happy to share those with the group.

Please upload your portrait photo (headshot) here. Minimum resolution should be 600 x 800 Pixel, maximum size 5 MB.
Only .JPG, .PNG, .GIF allowed.

Finally, please write us a short motivation statement (will not be shared with other participants), outlining why you are applying to take part in the International Film Editors Forum (IFEF). You can keep it down to a few words, or use up to 500 characters.

By filling out this form, you agree to share your photo, short biography and contact details with other participants of IFEF 2023. You also consent that this information will be stored on our internal servers until one week after the IFEF. Other than sharing it with the IFEF participants, Edimotion will NOT publish or pass on your personal details.

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