EdiMotion 13. – 16.10.2023

International Film Editors Forum (IFEF) 2023

The sixth edition of the networking event International Film Editors Forum (IFEF) will be held in-person on the 14th of October in Cologne, from 11:00 to 17:00, with a lunch included from 13:00 to 14:00.

Unlike the pandemic years 2020 and 2021, where only online versions of the IFEF were possible, in 2023 the participating film editors will meet again on location in Cologne for an intensive six-hour exchange in large and small groups. After all, nothing beats the personal encounter in the analog space – which can then be continued in the virtual world.

In 2022, 50 people from 26 countries took part on site in Cologne, including from as far afield as Argentina, Brazil, Gambia, India, Iran, Kenya, Cuba, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand and the USA.

The main topic this year is:
The future of our profession as film editors in a globalized & AI world

So artificial intelligence will also play a role at this year's IFEF, as well as the new globalized working reality. One of the discussion points will be how film editors can collectively help to shape the profession’s future, instead of just reacting to developments.

The IFEF is aimed at film editors who are actively involved in advancing their profession and its working conditions in their respective countries. Participants are given the opportunity to exchange their experiences, and together develop solutions that address the various challenges facing the profession all over the world. Elements of the workshop formats „world café“ and „open space“ are used. The facilitator is Christine von Fragstein.

Participation is only possible with prior registration and limited to a maximum of three people per country. Please register by 6 October 2023 using the online registration form. (Late comers will be accepted until 9th October)

If you have any questions, please write to curator Dietmar Kraus at the email address: ifef@edimotion.de

We request only a participation fee of 15 Euros to cover the lunch and tea time catering. To save time on the day, you can pay online here.


Saturday, 14 October 2023, 11:00 – 17:00
Location: Alte Feuerwache, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Cologne

In-person in Cologne, invitation only.
Facilitator: Christine von Fragstein

The IFEF is supported by TEMPO – Federation of Film Editors Associations.

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